How can you find your calling as an HSP person?
First, what is an HSP person?
HSP stands for a highly sensitive person/people. Elaine Aron has studied this subject deeply and has written beautiful books about it. She explains that HSP are extremely sensitive people. They smell, hear, taste, see things other people are not aware of. They do have a lot of thoughts. Being in their head most of the time, and losing the connection with their body, they are not grounded. Very sensible for criticism and the energy of other people. The energy of other people can completely drain their own energy. They may feel unpleasant and not knowing exactly where this feeling is coming from.
Other traits:
• They are afraid of a lot of things, e.g. fear of heights
• Their physical balance is not that good, some sports are very difficult for them like skiing, skating, roller skating
• Setting boundaries is difficult
• Speaking in public is a crime
• Often introverted, shy, insecure
• Not good at small talk, they prefer to talk about philosophy, emotions, their challenges
• They need a lot of sleep and time alone to recover from all the impressions they have gone through
• Extremely sensible for sugar and their blood sugar level. They can be weak and dizzy if their blood sugar level is low
• Having difficult times with groups of people, colleagues, lunchtime at work, parties
• Having difficulties in just coping with their jobs and making their living
Do you recognize these traits?
If you feel like you are different than other people, or if you have feelings of not belonging I advise you to read more about this subject. It is so soothing if you understand better what is going on in your life and in your body.
So, how can an HSP find her calling?
What do you have to do in the world?
What can you do in the world?
How can you use your special “coding’ to be of service to other people? How can you handle your own life, your energy, your challenges and still be of service to other people? How can you create a job or business that is good for you, where you find yourself comfortable, safe, inspired, connected and being fuelled with energy. And making enough money to pay for your living. We need to create our own lives in a conscious way.
Setting our own boundaries, and keeping our energy with us, not to be drained in a (corporate) job where we lose our energy by the need of too much interaction with other people, by the need to be social, the need to keeping up appearances.
To reach this, first, we need to know, what we are here to do in this world.
• What is it that inspires you?
• What is it that you are so interested in that you want to do this the whole day?
• What would your life look like if you would write down your perfect day?
• How could you create your dream life and coping with your HSP personality?
• How could you create your strong boundaries so you feel good the whole time?
The first step is, of course, accepting the way you are. Just accepting and claiming your way of being. Universe/God gave you these traits not to bully you but for you to develop your soul to conquer your challenges and to finally help other people with the same/similar issues. Your life events are your core message. Your life events are the subject in which you can find your calling. How could you help others with these similar subjects?
Which steps do you need to take to be able to help others? Your calling always has two sides, one is growing yourself, second is helping other people grow and reach their full potential.
I would like to invite you to write down the biggest event(s) in your life in which you could find your calling. What is your story, what is the most difficult thing you had to overcome? Want to get more clarity on all this? Click here to Book your Free Reset call.
I would love to hear from you!